Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Just a Test

No trail clean up for me today, instead my new coach wanted me to do a test on the mountain bike to see where I am aerobically. I set out for a time trial up a local gravel/jeep trail that usually takes about 20-25 minutes to climb. Seems easy enough, just climb the hill at race pace and record your avg HR. The problem is I just haven't raced my mountain bike in a while. I have forgotten how much it hurts to push yourself for extended periods. One of my problems is I get stuck doing mostly the same routes on the road bike putting only enough effort to finish the ride, never really getting out of my comfort zone. I guess you could say my riding plateaued. That is all about to change. Straight off the bike I was scheduled for an easy 30 min run. The run actually went pretty smooth, legs felt suprisingly light and quick. I ran down to Wilson park for a couple laps, lots of people out running, walking dogs, and just plain enjoying the beautiful weather. Here is a pic of Wilson Park from early spring

1 comment:

Trevor Glavin said...

atta boy! Your right, it's all about to change and your are going to be much faster b/c of it! Enjoy the ride....